The Kingdom of Royalty

The Kingdom of Royalty


From the beginning, God has ordained man’s destiny to be dominion.  This means that man should rule and reign over creation.



From the beginning, God has ordained man’s destiny to be dominion.  This means that man should rule and reign over creation.  The authority man received from God, qualifies him as a citizen of heaven (Philippians 3:20-21).  To be a citizen of heaven means that he is royalty from origin.  Because of the fall, man failed to reach his destiny, and lost his dominion and authority and, therefore, his kingdom.  Adam became an ambassador without portfolio, an envoy without official status, a citizen without a country, a king without a kingdom, and a ruler without a domain.  But, Christ has brought us back to life. He has freed us from darkness and brought us back into His marvellous light.  Man now needs to rediscover his destiny by rediscovering his place in the Kingdom of God as His representative king-ruler over this colony called Earth.


Members of the Kingdom of Royalty are called to be set apart for a special use.  It is crucial to discover that, from Pentecost to the Rapture of the “church”, a spiritually mature entity, the Bride of Christ, has been set apart to bring justice and righteousness to earth.  We, as the Bride of Christ, will judge both the world and angels.  Christ cannot return before His Bride is ready (spiritually mature) to execute judgment.  Daniel recorded this mystery.  “Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom” (Daniel 7:22).  “But the judgment shall sit, and THEY (the Bride of Christ) shall take away his dominion (satan’s), to consume and to destroy it unto the end” (Daniel 7:26).  This mystery was later revealed in Revelation.