The Gift of Giving

The Gift of Giving


The free gift of Salvation
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The most precious gift that the human race on Planet Earth can ever receive, is the free gift of “SALVATION”. Unfortunately, there is only one person in the Universe who can give this free gift to you and His name is “YAHSHUA HAMASHIACH”, the Son of the Father, “YHWH.”

The Father gave His only beloved Son, who willingly destroyed Himself on the Cross as our Passover Lamb. The Father accepted this first fruit offering of the Son and declared that I AM now the way, the Truth and the Life and that no one can come unto the Father but by Me. I am the door, if you accept My precious gift, I will come in and eat with you and I will abide in you and you in ME forever.

This act of both the Father and the Son was a universal declaration of love, demonstrating the pure heart and attitude of Elohim. Likewise, we need to allow the works of the “RUACH HAKODESH” in us, to change and to transform our hearts – a heart transplantation – to have the same heart and attitude of Elohim. Only then can we also “GIVE”