In Bondage

In Bondage
In Bondage

In Bondage


A must read for the Bride of Christ
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We were never in bondage to any man!
Says the Jewish people to Jesus when He was trying to explain to them that He is from above and that they are in the world and that they shall die in their sin if they do not believe in Him. Their arrogance blinded them – as they were 430 in bondage in Egypt before Moses came to deliver them. They also went into slavery for 70 years after this and as they are talking to Jesus, they were under the Roman’s Emperor. But, still, they say “we were never in bondage to any man”.

We were never in bondage to any man, I heard you say: “which is in debt, who has an incurable disease or a chronical sickness, living constantly in fear, or had never forgiven that single person who heard you so much that you had lived your whole life in bitterness and guilt?”

Jesus was trying to tell them, that He had come to set them free from any bondage if they just believe in Him. It is His promise also for you: “He has a desire to set you free”